Manly videos, part 2

This may well be the most manly music video of all time.  It makes me wonder why we only put pictures of our Presidents on our currency.  It also makes me wonder where our poets are these days.

That, by the way, is Bob Dylan in concert back in 1976 playing a most intense version of “Shelter From The Storm.”

Mister Manly

6 Responses to Manly videos, part 2

  1. Girly says:


    Hey… Are you having problems with BritandGrit? Couldn’t get on over there? Maybe it’s on my end? *giggles*

  2. mistermanly says:

    Hi Girly,

    Not now that I fixed it. Thanks for the warning. Something went bad with my stat counter. Go figure.

    Mister Manly

  3. livininsanity says:

    Speaking of Bob Dylan, is it manly when Bob Dylan wears make-up at concerts? You know, that all-over-the-face white make-up?

  4. mistermanly says:

    Hi l,

    While I would need more specific information to make a definitive judgment, based solely on what you’ve said the answer is no, wearing make-up is not manly.

    Mister Manly

  5. livininsanity says:

    What about KISS? Unmanly?

  6. mistermanly says:

    Hi l,

    KISS is not manly.

    Mister Manly

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